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Food Journal

In our blog you will find everything you need to know about food. We present unique recipes that we have developed in cooperation with talents and KoRo fans, and in our interviews you will get new impressions on the topics of healthy nutrition and starting a business.

🗓 29/03/2021

What happens to expired food at KoRo?

You wonder what happens to your beloved nut mushrooms and dried fruits if they are not sold out so quickly and the best-before date is approaching? We explain here how we deal with the best-before date and thus actively work against food waste.

👤 Vero Wolf

🗓 29/03/2021

From Burkina Faso with Love – unsere Bio Mangostreifen

Brooks Mango from Burkina Faso is perhaps the best dried mango fruit in the world. Here you can find out how we select our products, what makes Brooks mango so special and where it comes from.

👤 Jan Rein

🗓 24/03/2021

Make your own jam

Make your own jam - using up fruit and a lovely gift idea.

👤 Laura Wittmann

🗓 21/12/2020

Delicious hazelnut chocolate balls

These little balls may remind you of other tasty snacks, but rest assured, you can snack on them with a clear conscience.

👤 Melli

🗓 18/12/2020

Coconut balls

These delicious little balls with a delicate coconut flavor are reminiscent of Raffaelo. But fortunately these are healthier...

👤 Katharina

🗓 23/10/2020

Clean date-peanut balls

Are you in love with dates and peanuts? Then these balls are just the thing for you.

👤 Marion

🗓 02/07/2020

Interactive map

What is our interactive map all about and what can you find out about our products with its help? You can find detailed instructions here.

👤 Julia

🗓 28/04/2020

Different types of vinegar

You can find a comparison of apple, brandy, herb and balsamic vinegars in this article!

👤 Caroline Loße

🗓 11/03/2020

Good reasons to drink carrot juice

How you can easily cover your vitamin A needs with a plant-based diet, you will learn here!

👤 Caroline Loße

🗓 03/01/2020

Ginger during the cold season

Have you ever eaten raw ginger? Especially in the current cold season, your immune system can benefit and be strengthened.

👤 Caroline Loße

🗓 28/10/2019

Make your own roasted almonds

Alongside candy floss and popcorn, roasted almonds are probably one of the most popular sweets at fairs. Especially at Christmas markets, visitors enjoy the crunchy-sweet delicacy, preferably still warm. If the next market is still a long way off and you can't wait any longer, find out now how you can make them yourself at home.

👤 Anna-Lena Jacques

🗓 06/09/2019

Weeds - yes please!

Here you can find out what you can get out of dandelions, nettles and the like.

👤 Laura Wittmann

🗓 29/08/2019

Make your own summer drinks

30 degrees, sunshine and relaxation in the park - what's missing? A refreshing, summery drink. Find out how to make your own summer drinks here.

👤 Sarah Klein

🗓 26/07/2019

Sweet dishes with sweet potatoes

Sweet potato dishes don't always have to be savory. The tuber is also suitable for sweet dishes such as cakes, pancakes or cookies.

👤 Laura Wittmann

🗓 24/07/2019

Homemade ice cream

Summer, sun and a cool ice cream - that makes the day perfect! Find out how to make your own ice cream in this article.

👤 Sarah Klein