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🗓 11/03/2020 👤 Caroline Loße

Good reasons to drink carrot juice

How you can easily cover your vitamin A needs with a plant-based diet, you will learn here!

Good reasons to drink carrot juice

Vitamin A plays a crucial role in the body. If there is a lack of this fat-soluble vitamin, this can have negative effects on our vision as well as our skin and our immune system, among other things. It is therefore all the more important to ensure a sufficient supply when eating a vegan diet, as vitamin A is more readily available from animal foods in particular.

Why carrot juice is so healthy

In addition to vegetables such as bell peppers, spinach or broccoli, carrots are also considered an excellent source of beta-carotene, which is also called provitamin A. This represents a precursor of vitamin A and is converted to it in the body. Since this vitamin is a fat-soluble one, adding a small amount of oil can facilitate its absorption in the body. A carrot smoothie with a small amount of coconut oil or a raw vegetable salad made from peppers, carrots and other vegetables and a little olive oil is conceivable here. If you want to facilitate your intake of beta-carotene, carrot juice could be a good choice, because you can easily integrate it into your daily routine. But be careful- whether for breakfast or simply in between meals - you must always make sure that there is also a source of fat in your meal.

Health relevance of vitamin A

Vitamin A not only plays an important role in vision and the immune system, but is also involved in fat metabolism and antibody production.

However, the vitamin's effect on the skin is particularly well known. Vitamin A is involved in the renewal process of our skin and helps to replace dead cells and reduce inflammatory processes. Other important vital substances for healthy skin are zinc, vitamin C, E and collagen. Therefore, a sufficient supply should always be ensured.

Recipe ideas

If you are tired of pure carrot juice at some point, you can of course process it further. A good alternative to pure juice is, as described above, also a delicious smoothie, which can consist, for example, of a banana, 1 tsp coconut oil, 100 ml carrot juice and 50 g raspberries. In addition, the juice can also be integrated into cakes or used to bake carrot bread.